anthony park

⠀theatre literature, history, and criticism. ⠀ fourth year.⠀



eraser shavings crowd the markings scribbled in his three-ring; the crude outline of a stage, the indents of an “x” drawn and removed and drawn and removed still fresh on the page –– a placeholder. his water bottle sits, forgotten, and sweats through the thin plastic as it’s swathed by the heat of the theatre. the ice that had, hours before, been filled to the brim of the container is nearly all melted. a pause, pregnant, hangs through the hall, the scuff of his sneakers against the polished oak absent. instead, the cogs in his head turn, his brows furrowed in absolute concentration. the stage is his canvas, and each “x,” each placeholder, represents the stroke of his brush. blocking the scene in his mind, he paints a colorful picture; this is his vision, the world from his perspective, his story to be told.


+ excitable.
+ steadfast.
+ understanding.



fire, wild and untapped, fuels anthony’s passion to create –– this untamed ferocity deep within him yearning to make something of himself, to forge a legacy that may stand the test of time. his dreams, not only of measuring up to the greats, but of surpassing his idols, drives him to be better. better than he was, better than he will be. he will never be enough. but he will keep striving for perfection.




⠀cairo nam,⠀⠀Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique sit amet ipsum sed viverra. Proin volutpat efficitur odio quis dignissim.

⠀elijah choi,⠀⠀a friend of a friend, second-year photographer elijah never established himself as someone anthony kept on his radar. behind their screen names, however, elijah and anthony are as close as can be –– although they've never exchanged their names or pictures online, their messages back-and-forth have covered sensitive, philosophical topics; they've shared their deepest secrets, ones they've never even told their dearest friends in the flesh.

⠀levi na,⠀⠀the second-year fashion student, levi, had assisted in the fourth years' annual shakespeare in the park production as a costume designer. anthony, with the attention span of a five-year-old and the loyalty of a dog, quickly latched on to the unfortunate underclassman –– even after opening night, anthony kept in-touch with levi, bothering the second-year with questions on period dress and trivialities. they've been inseparable since, much to levi's chagrin.

⠀name⠀⠀Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique sit amet ipsum sed viverra. Proin volutpat efficitur odio quis dignissim.



⠀one,⠀⠀mun is on the minus side of the world (minus five, to be exact), but in light of recent events, has totally and completely fucked up their sleep cycle. so. expect activity whenever.

⠀two,⠀⠀mun is twenty years old, but is not interested in plotting smut. sorry. other adult themes, such as violence or crude imagery/humor, are on the table.

⠀three,⠀⠀although mun has joined a significant number of aurps in the past year, they're still unfamiliar with the whole shebang and asks for your patience and understanding. (if i owe you a reply, please shoot me a private message and i'll get to you as soon as i can.)

⠀four,⠀⠀continuing from point three, mun is currently attending university, and although in-person classes have been suspended for the remainder of the semester, their professors insist on meeting every morning, so. keep in mind that they may have other things going on outside of twitter.

⠀five,⠀⠀even though mun is an english major, they're still very insecure about their writing ahaha please don't bully them lol please they're begging haha.

